
Physical therapy at IPT can assist your body in using holistic techniques that support the body’s own ability to heal itself. Physical therapy isn’t done to you, rather physical therapy at IPT is a combined effort. Your specific goals are addressed by a compassionate, experienced physical therapist who uses an integrative approach to treatment.

There are no aides or assistants used for your care. Each physical therapy session is individualized to your needs.

Sessions last one hour.

Manual Therapy

At IPT, your physical therapy is tailored to your individual needs. Manual therapy is used to reduce pain, improve movement and function. Techniques used are: zero balancing, soft tissue mobilization, myofacial release, as well as muscle energy techniques.

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Education is an essential part of PT. Once a client understands what is occurring in his/her body, it is easier to make changes in posture, lifestyle and function.

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Specific individualized therapeutic exercise and neuromuscular re-education are used to integrate manual therapy as well as for improving strength, coordination, balance and endurance. An individual home exercise is created for you to improve.

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